Monday, March 22, 2010

Entering a whole new chapter...

My daughter officially has a boyfriend now.

I'm not ready for this. Although neither is she or him for it to be even more officially anything so I think I can breathe easy for about a year... and lose some weight for the inevitable wedding (whether to him or not, one will be coming sooner than I'll expect)

So some stats...

The daughter in question turned 18 in August. She is in her last year of high school - technically. I say technically because the school is offering one more year which will be a certified course for daycare. It's not something she thinks she wants to do but they're offering it for free and it's a great fall-back.

I was 18 1/2 when I married her father. A year later she was born. And the year after that her sister was born.

My mother was 43 when she was born. I'll be 39 at the end of the year.

As for the young man... he's 21 and is from Shilo. Chances are Batya knows him. You'll forgive me if I don't offer any more information :)

1 comment:

Batya said...

What high school? I'm very curious. you can email me