Granted it would be home made ho hos and I'd never made a jelly/cream roll cake before but the recipes I found online (and the photos that went with them) were promising and seemed easy enough.
Yeah... well...
My first clue that I should abandon the idea came after looking in 4 different liquor stores and not finding the tiny bottles of rum I wanted. Heck, I couldn't even find SMALL bottle of rum. So I settled for... cup o'vodka.

Yo ho ho and a cup of vodka? Uh... ok.
Then it was time to make the ho hos. Rather than use any of the recipes I found online, I decided to go to my trust Spice and Spirit cookbook. I know roll cakes are pretty popular and figured they'd have a great recipe. I had Tzippy make it and um...

This is what we ended up with. It was like a Pesach cake disaster when the ingredients separate and you have a crust of sugar on top and this 1/2 inch thick layer of what looks and feels like what ballistics gel should. The only good thing about it was it rolled well and was thin.
So we went with one of the online recipes. Which rose too much. And then it stuck... the directions said to roll the cake once it's out of the oven and let it cool for 30 minutes. Then unroll, schmear and roll up again.
So I rolled it up but because it was so thick there was no way I was getting ho ho shaped slices. And then when I went to unroll it... it started coming apart and/or sticking. But I pushed through, got it unrolled, schmeared it and rolled it back up, using the cream to keep the bits stuck together.
So here's what it ended up looking like...

So... it's not a very ho ho and bottle of rum Mishloach Manot. But the cake is tasty and the cup of vodka is Kosher for Pesach...
Happy Purim everyone!